Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Creative Tuesday: Short and Tall

Whew! Almost didn't get this one done! I had a really hard time getting the creative juices flowing this time, then when they did flow, they refused to translate from my imagination to paper. But I finally got it! Just a sketch, but I'm satisfied. The little dog is based on my dog Griffin, but as you can see in the pic on my sidebar, Griff is much lighter in color. I love my poochie!!

When I first saw this theme, my very first thoughts were of couples. I'm not a portrait artist, thus, the dogs. Anyway... There's a super sweet couple at my church where the husband stands at close to 7' and is long and lanky, and his wife is about 5'2" and a bit plump. Such a big contrast!! Next I thought of myself and my husband, I'm about 2 1/2" taller than he is, and when I wear heels (he doesn't mind) it's much more drastic. One of my cousins and his wife make a very tall couple, he at 6'8 and she at 6'3. Then I've seen cute little old couples, both short and stooped. Some say "opposites attract", and others want to find a match who has many of the same characteristics they themselves possess.  Height really doesn't matter, it's the quality of relationship and the love shared between that makes a couple last. Much love to my Baby!

You can check out other peoples' tall and short artwork at Mr. Toast's blog.


  1. Oh bummer!! i missed this. sorry Dara, I have already created the montages which take ages and posted them too but am taking them down NOW. What i will do is, lie Shigune's, will simply add a link to your blog so people can be sure to see your art if they haven't already! :)

    As it is, what a sweet little drawing, adn I love your stroy too. My former sister in law adn was 5'2: and her husband was 6'7" or something--massive. tehy ened up having two beautiful girls each 6 foot tall. no problem. :)

    Thanks for squeezing this in. :)

  2. Lol, you can tell my eyes are dilated still--didn't catch all these typos!

  3. Oh it's alright... no problem!! Haha... Hope your eyes get to seeing better soon!! :)

  4. You do great dogs... We have had large dogs and small dogs....and your picture reminds me of our daughter taking them for walks.

  5. A very sweet sketch... Griff is awfully cute, by the way.

  6. What a lovely drawing. Both dogs look very happy as if someone has called "walkies".

  7. Love it! This is so cute!!! Great job!

  8. that's a TALL dog there. Nice interpretation!
